As dogs age, a slowdown in mobility often leads to joint inflammation, body aches and arthritis. Rather than reaching for prescription anti-inflammatories, an increasing number of Australian pet owners are using hemp oil to provide natural pain relief. Here’s what pet parents should know about the benefits, proper dosage and safe administration.

Hemp Oil Reduces Inflammation and Chronic Pain

The omega fatty acids and cannabinoids in hemp oil have powerful inflammation-fighting properties. Together they block pain pathways while restoring flexibility to stiff, arthritic joints. This eases limping and stiffness to get ageing dogs moving freely again without harsh pharmaceutical side effects.

These anti-inflammatory compounds also calm inflammatory bowel and skin disorders. Applied topically, hemp oil moisturiser dry, itchy patches and hot spots for soothing relief without greasiness. It may even combat malignant growths thanks to tumour-halting antioxidants.

Supports Overall Health and Wellness

Beyond physical comfort and flexibility, hemp oil delivers whole-body wellness advantages. Essential fatty acids encourage a lustrous coat, healthy skin and balanced hormone levels. Meanwhile, amino acids, vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system to fight illness and disease.

This nutritional support energises depleted dogs so they feel like jumping, playing and enjoying life again alongside a boosted zest for treats and meals. Simply put, hemp oil improves quality of life all-around.

Calms Anxiety and Stress-Related Behaviours

Dog personalities prone to separation anxiety, noise phobias, travel nerves and aggression benefit emotionally from hemp oil’s soothing properties too. The Omega-3s reduce cortisol—the stress hormone—levels while terpenes induce relaxation without sedation. This allows high-strung pets to remain cognitively sharp.

Dosing Guidelines

While generally very safe, properly dosing hemp oil for your dog’s size and ailments is key. Most manufacturers provide servings guidelines based on weight. As a rule of thumb, start with low doses around 2mg of Australia’s high quality hemp oil for dogs per pound of body weight twice daily.

Gradually increase every few days until optimal effects manifest through pain relief, behaviour improvement or other health markers. Split doses between morning and evening for around-the-clock comfort.

Should adverse reactions occur like diarrhoea or drowsiness, pause use for a day or two until symptoms resolve. Then restart at the last well-tolerated dose once your dog’s system normalises.

Ongoing Monitoring

While using hemp oil requires some vigilance initially, astute pet parents find managing servings quickly becomes second nature. Keep notes on the dose volumes and schedule that worked best. Watch also for sustained improvements in your dog’s pain levels, mobility, attitude and activity enjoyment.

Adapt the regimen if required, such as giving an extra dose prior to agility training classes for added joint cushioning. Consistent daily use ensures ongoing pain relief results.

Ongoing Monitoring

While using hemp oil requires some vigilance initially, astute pet parents find managing servings quickly becomes second nature. Keep notes on the dose volumes and schedule that worked best. Watch also for sustained improvements in your dog’s pain levels, mobility, attitude and activity enjoyment.

Additional Resources on Canine Hemp Oil

For more guidance on hemp oil for dog aches, check out some in-depth guides on CBD dosage for pets. Their serving size calculator simplifies getting the dose right for supporting your dog’s wellbeing the natural way.